Special Days and Events at Preschool
We think every day is a special day at preschool but to add extra special days we have theme days occasionally. Some of these include hat days, pet days, dinosaur days, pajama days, Hawaii Days, celebration of Dr. Suess birthday.
San Marino Firefighters came to school to teach the children about fire safety and to share what they do as firefighters.
We have a few parent/child special events. The first week of school we have an all school pizza party at noon so parents can meet other parents. The parents will be entertained at our Holiday potluck in December. Our holiday songs will bring in the season and parents provide a potluck time for fellowship.
One of our favorite times is our Trunk Or Treat celebration of Halloween. Parents sign up to decorate the trunk of their car or bring treats to distribute as we parade in costume around our parking lot. I have seen some very famous people at this event.
In the early spring, we have a soup day lunch. The children bring vegetables to make the soup for a parent/ child lunch. The children have a short program of singing.
Our last day of school is a potluck picnic at Lacy Park. Our teaching staff provide games on that day. Parents bring food and drinks to share. We send off some students to their next great experience.